How To Teach Your Children

How To Teach Your Children


“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

― Benjamin Franklin

Good Morning!

As a young parent I felt it was my duty to impart all of my knowledge to my children. (Little did I know at the time how much they would teach me.) During those very first years as a parent I was under the impression that all I had to do was tell them something and they of course, would learn it. Ha!  That sure turned out to be a wrong impression. (One of many, I must admit.)

Thanks to many people, including my children, I learned that I could talk and talk and talk and what I was trying to tell them would not really take hold.  I also learned that if I tried to teach them something there was pretty much a 50/50 chance that they would remember what it was I was trying to teach.  Almost by accident I finally figured out, as Benjamin Franklin tells us in the quote today. If I was right there with them, involved in the activity, they would remember it.

If you try to teach your children to cook they may get it, but if you cook with them, together, as a team, it will be something that they won’t forget.  This holds true for just about anything you want your children to know.

You can tell your children to do anything you want them to do.  You can teach your children anything you want them to learn.  But if you are there, by their side, doing things together, they will always remember the experience.

So….Get down in the trenches with your children.  Be involved with them in all aspects of your lives, and then watch as they learn and grow!

Have some fun today!



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