Good Morning!
An update from our incredible journey to Seattle. We just moved suites in our B & B so I am back trying to figure out where I put everything! Eventually I hope to find at least some of the basic things that I need. 🙂 Paperwork is slowing moving along on the house we have put an offer on. Inspections are done and now we wait for the appraisal – hopefully our last hurdle. Our realtor tells us we are aiming for a January 30th closing so I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.
Seattle has been both rainy and sunny but for me it has just been cold. I am hoping my AZ blood thickens up pretty soon. Until then my thermal underwear is coming in really handy.
Thank you all for being so patient with me – I hope to be blogging regularly by the middle of Feb. Until then I will keep popping in from time to time.
Have some fun today!!!!
Tip of the Day: “Nothing is so aggravating as calmness.”
Oscar Wilde
Good Morning!
As parents, when we manage to stay (or least look) calm in the face of major button pushing by our children it will totally throw them off. Especially if, in the past, you have jumped in and given them the fight they were looking for. Children are pretty smart. They know that if they can push your buttons and get you all excited a couple of things happen. One, they are thoroughly entertained as you light up like a video game and two, you won’t be thinking very logically so whatever happened is likely to get pushed to the background.
When you stay calm, they have no idea what to do. They are simply flabbergasted and usually the fight just drains out of them. Remember the old adage – it takes two to have a fight. If you refuse to engage then there is no excitement, there is no fight and there are appropriate consequences to be faced.
So…the next time you are challenged by one of your children – stay or at least look calm. Don’t let them goad you into losing your calmness. Stand your ground and watch the disappointment and disbelief in their faces.
Have some fun today!
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