Category Archives: See the Positive



  “I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.” ― Herman Melville, Moby-Dick; or, The Whale Good Morning! A little off of the usual path this morning.  I share a lot of my past in this blog and so today I thought I would share a…

Optimistic Parenting

Optimistic Parenting

  We must return to optimism in our parenting. To focus on the joys, not the hassles; the love, not the disappointments; the common sense, not the complexities.” ― Fred G. Gosman Good morning! I have said many, many times that parenting is hard.  But just because it is hard it does not mean that we…

ADHD – Disorder or Gift?

ADHD – Disorder or Gift?

“You have a Ferrari race car for a brain….but there’s one problem.  You have bicycle brakes.” Told to a child with ADHD by Dr. Edward M. Hallowell   Good morning!   There is so much negativity surrounding a diagnosis of ADHD.  Parents are told how their child will struggle in school because they are so…

Trying to be Being a Better Mom

Trying to be Being a Better Mom

  Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying. Good Morning, I cannot count the number of mistakes that I made raising my children.  I cannot count them because there are way to many of them! Considering the number of parenting mistakes I made, I am thrilled with today’s quote.  Instead of being embarrassed about all of…

ADD – Think Differently

ADD – Think Differently

  “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” George S. Patton Good Morning! One of the positive traits about having ADD is the ability to think differently. The ability to think out of the box. That is why many inventors, CEO’S of successful businesses, athletes, artists, and actors have ADD.  Their ability to…

The Amazing ADHD Child

The Amazing ADHD Child

  “Kids with ADHD deserve time to just be themselves.  They’ll amaze you!” Good Morning! For a child who has ADHD life is pretty tough.  It seems as if everyone is always asking them to change.  The teacher always wants them to sit quietly in their seat without moving. Parents are always telling them…

“Good Job”

“Good Job”

  “Focus on what your kids are doing right and PRAISE them for it!” – unknown Good morning! It is really easy to notice what your children are doing wrong.  They don’t appreciate what you do for them. They don’t clean their rooms. They are stubborn. They throw tantrums. They are impulsive. And on and…

ADHD And School

ADHD And School

  “More and more, the concept of ADD as a disorder is being qualified by inclusion of a string of positive qualities — such as creativity, high intelligence, ability to do many things at once, an aptitude for small business entrepreneurship, and a powerful intuitive sense.” – Susan Burgess, from “Think Fast! The ADD Experience (Hartmann, Bownman &…

Have Some Fun Today!

Have Some Fun Today!

“It’s fun to have fun, but you have to know how” Dr. Seuss Good Morning! Every day I sign off with “Have some fun today!” I don’t do this lightly. Fun is something that I think is essential in parenting. Having fun was really difficult for me when I first became a parent. I took…